Dakota Showdown Blog

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Want to follow the 100-day journey of our trainers and horses? The Dakota Showdown Blog brings you exclusive updates, behind-the-scenes stories, and important event details. From weekly progress reports on each horse-trainer team to event announcements and insider tips, this is your go-to source for everything Showdown.

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Meet #showdownteamdaisy - Daisy and Erynn Parrish of The Cowgirl Way Equine

August 3, 2023
Meet Daisy, a 10-yr-old, 14 hand tall Quarter Horse mare and her trainer, Erynn Parrish of The Cowgirl Way Equine near...

Meet #ShowdownTeamToluca - Toluca & Michelle Gilles of Red River Ranch Performance Horses

August 2, 2023
Meet Toluca, an 14-year-old, 16.1 hand OTTB mare and her trainer, Michelle Gilles of Red River Ranch Performance...

Meet #ShowdownTeamHazel - Hazel & Michelle Gilles of Red River Ranch Performance Horses

August 2, 2023
Meet Hazel, a Morgan type mare and her trainer, Michelle Gilles of Red River Ranch Performance Horses....

Meet #ShowdownTeamTinkerbell - Tinkerbell & Anna Alfonso

August 1, 2023
Meet Tinkerbell, a Shetland pony mare and her trainer, Anna Alfonso of Mitchell, SD. #ShowdownTeamTinkerbell is...

Meet #ShowdownTeamBelle - Belle & Brenda Buus

July 30, 2023
Meet Belle, a Shetland pony mare and her trainer, Brenda Buus of Brookings, SD. #ShowdownTeamBelle is competing in the...

Meet #ShowdownTeamComet - Comet & Valerie Hicks of Little Hooves Miniature Horse Rescue

July 29, 2023
Meet Comet, a Hackney pony gelding and his trainer, Valerie Hicks of Little Hooves Mini Horse Rescue near White, SD....

Meet #ShowdownTeamSugar - Sugar & Cara McWilliams of Crazy L Horsemanship

July 28, 2023
Meet Sugar, a Mustang/QH mare and her trainer, Cara McWilliams of Crazy L Horsemanship in Alvord, IA....

Meet #ShowdownTeamNora - Nora and Jay Westerbur

July 20, 2023
Meet Nora, a Tennessee Walking Horse mare and her trainer, Jay Westerbur of Sioux Falls, SD. #ShowdownTeamNora is...

Meet #showdownteamxena - Xena & Morgan Schmidt

July 19, 2023
Meet Xena, a Quarter Horse mare and her trainer, Morgan Schmidt of Brandt, SD. #ShowdownTeamXena is competing in the...

Meet #showdownteamrue - Rue & Alex Wilson of Split Aces Performance Horses

July 18, 2023
Meet Rue, a Quarter Horse mare and her trainer, Alex Wilson of Split Aces Performance Horses in Kimball, NE....

Concessions provided by Harry's Yellow Submarine Food Truck!

July 9, 2023
We're thrilled to announce that concessions for the Dakota Showdown Finale on August 13, 2023, will be provided by...